For Sale  Plot region Stara Zagora  , Malka Vereya , 1100 sq.m | 24188146
3 pictures

For Sale Plot в region Stara Zagora , Malka Vereya, 1100 sq.m

15 000 BGNSee on the map
1100 sq.m
Regulation: -Electricity: -Water: -
Property Description:
Лозе 1500
For Sale  Plot region Stara Zagora  , Malka Vereya , 1100 sq.m | 24188146 - image [2]
For Sale  Plot region Stara Zagora  , Malka Vereya , 1100 sq.m | 24188146 - image [3]

Property price: 15 000 BGN

Price on sq.m: 13,636 BGN

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region Stara Zagora , Malka Vereya

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The ad has been updated on 24 June 2022
Contact seller
089XXX... (show)
Stara Zagora gr. Stara Zagora, ul. Sveti Knyaz Boris 97
For Sale Plot в region Stara Zagora , Malka Vereya, 1100 sq.m
15 000 BGN
1100 sq.m