For Rent  Industrial building Plovdiv , Industrialna zona - Yug , 4820 sq.m | 32885153
11 pictures

For Rent Industrial building в Plovdiv, Industrialna zona - Yug, 4820 sq.m

7000 BGN
4820 sq.mGround Floor
Central Heating: -Gas: -
Property Description:
Отлична локация и комуникации в непосредствена близост до основни пътни артерии! Ново производствено-складово хале 500кв.м, с метална конструкция и термопанелни стени. Просторна и луксозна офисна част. Площ на целия парцел - 4820кв.м. Отговаря на всички европейски изисквания: под шлайфан бетон, три големи автоматизирани врати, естествено осветление и луминисцентни осветителни тела, системи за пожарна безопасност: пожарогасене и известяване, санитарни възли. Други опции: ТИР достъп, паркоместа за клиенти и персонал. Фирма Рубикон разполага с над 500 оферти за отдаване под наем на складове и промишлени помещения с различни площи и локация в Пловдив и област Пловдив! Massive, guarded warehouse(storehouse) with office space. Access is via boulevard with outdoor parking and landscaped areas - 4820m2. There are convenient track approach, operating systems for security, fire. The warehouse has a large area of 500 m2. with three large doors. The status is of a storage for industrial goods. Floor - polished concrete. The warehouse is located in the south industrial zone of Plovdiv. The location is very convenient, with easy access. Rental price - 8000lv. Rubikon real estate suggest more than 500 offers of storehouse(warehouse) for rent in Plovdiv region!
  • With a parking place
  • Luxury
  • Cabling
  • Internet connection
  • Access control
  • Thermal insulation
For Rent  Industrial building Plovdiv , Industrialna zona - Yug , 4820 sq.m | 32885153 - image [2]
For Rent  Industrial building Plovdiv , Industrialna zona - Yug , 4820 sq.m | 32885153 - image [3]
For Rent  Industrial building Plovdiv , Industrialna zona - Yug , 4820 sq.m | 32885153 - image [4]
For Rent  Industrial building Plovdiv , Industrialna zona - Yug , 4820 sq.m | 32885153 - image [5]See next 7 pictures

Property price: 7000 BGN

Price on sq.m: 1,452 BGN

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Plovdiv, Industrialna zona - Yug

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The ad has been updated on 7 March 2025
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Tanya Muravenova

Pleven ul. 'Doyran' 160, et.4, ofis 412
For Rent Industrial building в Plovdiv, Industrialna zona - Yug, 4820 sq.m
7000 BGN
4820 sq.mGround Floor