For Sale  House region Stara Zagora  , Granit , 70 sq.m | 42743157
For Sale House
region Stara Zagora , Granit
17 500 BGN
No VAT is charged
70 sq.m(3190 sq.m)2nd Trimmer joists, 1956
ТЕЦ: -Газ: -
Описание на имота:
We present to your attention a property in the rapidly recovering village of Granit! In the property of 3190 sq.m. there are two residential buildings, which are located in a very quiet place in the village and there is an opportunity to develop organic farming, beekeeping, animal husbandry and others. The two-story house has many preserved ceilings and beams, there is a bathroom and toilet in the house, a preserved gazebo in the yard, a building for a pump and tools. The village of Granit is one of the fastest recovering villages in the area. The land is fertile and the region is home to the largest vegetable producers in the country. More and more AI specialists are settling in Granit, because there is a 5G network, optical cable throughout the village and it is close to the large regional cities of Plovdiv and Stara Zagora, Chirpan, etc. The village of Granit is known for the oldest tree in Europe, the Granite Oak, which is 1,700 years old, as well as for the artistic community that creates and works in the village. The village of Granit is a favorite place for artists because of the peace and quiet. Many contemporary artists work and create in the village. In recent years, it has also been a preferred place for foreigners who live in the village / Germans, Austrians, English, Russians, /. In the past year, many young families settled in the village, because there is a kindergarten, a school, a community center with a library and a gallery, a doctor three times a week and a dentist, three grocery stores, one convenience store, two Orthodox and 2 Protestant churches, winery, hunting party and others. In addition to producing vegetables, the people in the village work in the nearby enterprises in Orizovo, Brezovo and Rakovski. There is public transport to the village from Plovdiv and Chirpan and back. In June, an Arts Festival is held in the village of Granit.
For inspections and information 0898 45 83 54

Цена на имота: 17 500 BGN

Цена on sq.m: 250 BGN


region Stara Zagora , Granit

  • 48разглеждания
  • 2добавяния в Бележника
Обявата е коригирана на 15 May 2024
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Plovdiv ul.'Orfey' 2
For Sale House в region Stara Zagora , Granit
17 500 BGN
70 sq.m2nd Trimmer joists, 1956