Ref. 7667
We are offering 2075 sq.m. of building land in the village of Zaichino oreshe, Shumen region. With project to build 13 new houses The village is only 53 km from Varna airport and 10 min drive to the motorway Varna-Sofia. Which everywhere you look from the land you have outstanding view over the hills and mountain Next to this land is a passed project for 21 plus new house. There is a plan to build new golf course in the area which over look the village many lakes near by. Shumen Municipality is situated in the central part of northeastern Bulgaria.
Предлагаме Ви парцел за строеж в с. Зайчино ореше, област Шумен. Парцелът има ПУП, нотариален акт,разрешително за строеж. Вода и електричество в близост.Плътност 40. В цената влиза проект за построяване на 13 къщи. Телефон за връзка 0887691111 Моля търсете ме на Вайбър и пишете за да мога да си превеждам. Благодаря!
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